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第一条 为保障广大国际学生在校学习期间的体检、签证、居留许可、实习加注、证件变更等手续顺利办理,根据《赌球平台推荐》及青岛市公安局出入境管理分局有关规定,制定本规定。

第二条 护照是外国人在国内停留的唯一合法身份证件。国际学生须随身携带护照,妥善保管,随时接受警方查验。护照不得涂改、污损、加盖印章。将本人护照转借或出卖给他人使用是严重的违法行为。

第三条 以学习为目的来中国的外国人须持普通护照及学习(X1或X2)签证入境。X2签证有效期以签证注明为准;X1签证有效期为入境后30日,此前须前往山东出入境检验检疫局青岛国际旅行卫生保健中心进行身体检查,取得结果后到青岛市公安局出入境管理分局办理外国人居留许可。签证过期即构成非法居留。国际学生签证有效期限最长为一年(奖学金生另行处理),签证有效期根据国际学生缴纳学费的期限为准。持有X2签证的国际学生无需申请居留许可。

第四条 国际学生须在入境24小时内向居住地公安机关申报住宿登记。未及时申报住宿登记者,公安机关将依法给予警告,并处罚款。国际学生在酒店、宾馆、涉外公寓、校内公寓等单位或者机构入住时,须在接待单位取得《赌球平台推荐》。国际学生在中国居民家中、驻华外国机构、在中国的外国人家中居住,需在24小时内到居住地派出所进行登记,取得《赌球平台推荐》。国际学生变动地址、更换护照、更换签证或居留许可、出境后再入境或住宿登记到期时,应当及时进行重新登记。国际学生未及时登记或未及时重新登记,即构成非法居留,同时应支付罚款500元人民币/天。常住外籍人员住宿登记表在每次入境后必须重新办理。


第五条 每学期开学两周内,由国际交流与合作处组织国际学生统一进行身体检查。如因故未能参加身体检查者,应自行办理有关手续,并将本人的身体检查记录表交到国际交流与合作处。国际学生身体检查记录表,仅用于国际学生居留许可延期。

第六条 国际学生须注意自己的居留许可或签证有效期。国际学生因签证或居留许可过期导致非法居留是违法行为,应受到处罚。持学习签证的国际学生应于入境起30天内申请居留许可手续,逾期不办者,责任自负,罚款自理。


第七条 国际学生须严格管理本人护照、签证、居留许可等文件,避免发生逾期非法滞留情况。国际学生须在护照有效期到期前三个月重新申请新护照,将新护照信息提交至国际交流与合作处。国际学生须在签证及居留许可期满30天前向国际交流与合作处提出延期申请,未及时申请而导致无法延期或逾期产生的后果由国际学生本人承担。

第八条 申请下学期继续学习的国际学生须在上一学期结束前缴纳学费,否则不予办理延期手续。签证、居留许可等证件延期手续须在学校放假前半个月内办理。期末结业离校的国际学生不予办理证件延期手续,因非法居留产生的责任和处罚由国际学生本人承担。

第九条 从其他学校转学来本校学习的国际学生,应提供原学校转学证明或离校证明。到达青岛后,应于10个工作日内到青岛市公安局出入境管理分局注销原居留许可并申办新居留许可。

第十条 中途退学、休学或被学校开除的国际学生,须在10个工作日内离境,国际交流与合作处在该国际学生退学或被下达处分决定10个工作日后向青岛市公安局出入境管理分局申请注销其居留许可。逾期所产生的后果由国际学生本人承担。

第十一条 国际学生持有效签证、居留许可,可以前往中国政府规定的对外国人开放的地区旅行。未经批准,擅自进入限制外国人进入的区域,公安机关将责令其立即离开;情节严重的,处五日以上十日以下拘留。对国际学生非法获取的文字记录、音像资料、电子数据和其他物品,公安机关将予以没收或者销毁,所用工具予以收缴。

第十二条 国际学生在发现护照丢失后,应当按照如下步骤办理相关手续:








第十三条 国际学生因护照到期等原因在中国境内申请换发护照的,应当在所持居留许可到期前两个月申请办理。护照换发后,应当于10个工作日内申请办理新的居留许可。办理新的居留许可后,国际学生本人须持护照到居住地派出所更新《赌球平台推荐》。国际学生在中国境内换发护照而未在10个工作日内办理新的居留许可的,构成非法居留。

第十四条 违法处罚。根据《赌球平台推荐》,外国人有如下情形的,给予处罚:




第十五条 办理体检、签证、居留许可、证件变更等须按国际旅行卫生保健中心及青岛公安局出入境管理分局规定缴费,所有费用(含交通费)由国际学生本人承担。

第十六条 国际学生在华办理签证和居留许可有效期不得超过学习期限。签证延期期限将根据国际学生所交学费限定,分为半年和一年的签证期限。

第十七条 未能按期毕业的国际学生,如导师同意,需要留校学习者,最长可延一年居留许可,毕业前按其需要办理签证延期(3-6个月,按公安局签证管理规定)。

第十八条 国际学生办理签证或居留许可延期时,须先缴纳保险费和学费,按照保险费和学费的期限办理签证或居留许可延期。学校为国际学生办理签证延期时间段为每周二及周五上午,需办理签证延期的国际学生应在签证有效期结束前一周将有关材料交到国际交流与合作处,尽早准备,规避风险。


第十九条 国际学生结束学习后,应当于签证或居留许可到期前离境,否则构成非法居留。

第二十条 学校不邀请国际学生家属来校陪读。

第二十一条 未在学校指定日期之前入境而需要办理签证延期的国际学生,学校不予办理。

第二十二条 签证政策依照国家法律规定可能会发生变化,学校以青岛市公安局出入境管理总队的正式通知为准执行各项签证政策。

第二十三条 本规定适用于全体国际学生,由国际交流与合作处负责解释,自公布之日起执行。

Article 1: In order to ensure the smooth processing of medical examinations, visas, residence permits, internship endorsements, document changes, and other procedures for international students during their studies in school, these regulations are formulated in accordance with the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People''s Republic of China and relevant regulations of the Exit and Entry Administration Bureau of Qingdao Public Security Bureau.

Article 2: A passport is the only legal identity document for foreigners to stay in China. International students are required to carry their passports at all the time, ensure their safety, and cooperate with police inspections whenever necessary. Passports shall not be altered, soiled, or improperly stamped. The lending or selling of one''s passport to others for any purpose constitutes a grave and illegal act.

Article 3: Foreigners who come to China for the purpose of study shall enter China with an ordinary passport and an X1 or X2 study visa. The validity period of X2 visa shall be subject to the visa''s indication; The validity period of the X1 visa commences from 30 days after entry.. Before that, you must go to the Qingdao International Travel Health Care Center of Shandong Entry Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau for physical examination. After the results are obtained, you can go to the Entry Exit Administration Branch of Qingdao Public Security Bureau to apply for a foreigner''s residence permit. Failure to renew a visa upon expiration constitutes illegal residence. The maximum validity period for an international student visa is one year (scholarship students will be processed separately), and the visa validity period is based on the deadline for international students to pay tuition fees. International students holding X2 visas are exempt from the requirement to apply for a residence permit.

Article 4: International students must apply for accommodation registration with the public security organs in their place of residence within 24 hours of their arrival. Those who fail to declare their accommodation registration in a timely manner will be given a warning and fined by the public security organs in accordance with the law. International students must obtain a Temporary Accommodation Registration Form from the receiving unit when checking into hotels, guesthouses, foreign-related apartments, campus apartments, and other units or institutions. International students who live in the homes of Chinese residents, foreign institutions in China and foreign families in China should register at the local police station within 24 hours and obtain the Temporary Accommodation Registration Form. When international students change their address, change their passport, change their visa or residence permit, re-enter after leaving the country, or when their accommodation registration expires, they should promptly re register. International students who fail to register or re register in a timely manner constitute illegal residence and are subject to a fine of 500 RMB per day. The accommodation registration form for permanent foreign residents must be reprocessed after each entry.

International students residing in school apartments will be provided with a unified registration form for their permanent residence as foreign nationals by the school.

Article 5: Within two weeks of the start of each semester, the International Exchange and Cooperation Office shall organize international students to undergo a unified physical examination. If a person is unable to participate in the physical examination for any reason, they should handle the relevant procedures themselves and submit their physical examination record form to the International Exchange and Cooperation Office. The International Student Physical Examination Record Form is only used for the extension of international student residence permits.

Article 6: International students should pay attention to the validity period of their residence permit or visa. Those who illegally reside due to expired visas or residence permits should be punished. International students holding study visas should apply for a residence permit within 30 days of entry. Failure to do so will result in personal responsibility and fines.

International students whose residence permits are about to expire and need to extend their residence period must apply for an extension at the International Exchange and Cooperation Office at least 30 days before the expiration date. If the visa or residence permit expires during a school holiday, international students need to apply for processing one week before the school holiday. After the extension of the residence permit or visa, international students must bring their passport to the local police station or foreign-related apartment where they reside to update the Temporary Accommodation Registration Form.

Article 7: International students must strictly manage their passports, visas, residence permits, and other documents to avoid overstaying or illegally residing. International students must reapply for a new passport three months before the expiration date and submit the new passport information to the International Exchange and Cooperation Office. International students must submit an extension application to the International Exchange and Cooperation Office 30 days before the expiration of their visa and residence permit. Failure to apply in a timely manner will prevent them from extending their stay, and the consequences of the delay will be their own resposibility.

Article 8: International students who apply to continue their studies in the next semester must pay tuition fees before the end of the previous semester, otherwise extension procedures will not be processed. The procedures for extending visas, residence permits, and other documents must be completed within half a month before the school holiday. International students who graduate from school at the end of the semester will not be allowed to apply for document extension procedures, and the responsibility and punishment arising from illegal residence will be borne by the international students themselves.

Article 9: International students who transfer from other schools to study at this school shall provide proof of transfer from their original school or proof of leaving the school. Upon arriving in Qingdao, international students shall cancel their original residence permit and apply for a new residence permit at the Exit Entry Administration Branch of Qingdao Public Security Bureau within 10 working days.

Article 10: International students who drop out, take a leave of absence, or are expelled from school must leave the country within 10 working days. The International Exchange and Cooperation Department shall submit an application to the Exit Entry Administration Bureau of Qingdao Public Security Bureau to cancel their residence permit 10 working days after the international student drops out or is given a disciplinary decision. The consequences of overdue payments shall be borne by the international student themselves.

Article 11: International students with valid visas and residence permits may travel to areas open to foreigners as prescribed by the Chinese Government. If a person enters an area restricted to foreigners without approval, the public security organ will order him to leave immediately; Those with serious circumstances shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than ten days. International students who illegally obtain written records, audio-visual materials, electronic data, and other items will be confiscated or destroyed by public security organs, and the tools used will be confiscated.

Article 12: International students who discover that their passport is lost should follow the following steps to complete the relevant procedures:

1. Immediately report to the lost police station and obtain a report certificate;

2. Contact the International Exchange and Cooperation Office as soon as possible and issue a passport loss statement;

3. Submit the above two documents to the Exit Entry Management Corps of Qingdao Public Security Bureau to handle the procedures for reporting the loss of a passport, apply for a certificate of passport loss, and complete the procedures for reporting the loss of a residence permit in a newspaper;

4. International students can apply for a new passport at the embassy of their country in China with proof of passport loss;

Within 10 working days of obtaining a new passport, bring the new passport and proof of passport loss to reapply for the Temporary Accommodation Registration Form, and apply for a new residence permit at the International Exchange and Cooperation Office;

After obtaining a new residence permit, international students should bring their passport to the local police station to update the "Temporary Accommodation Registration Form";

International students who lose and apply for a replacement passport within China without obtaining a new residence permit within 10 working days constitute illegal residence.

Article 13: International students who apply for passport replacement within China due to passport expiration or other reasons shall apply for it two months before the expiration of their residence permit. After the passport is renewed, a new residence permit should be applied for within 10 working days. After obtaining the new residence permit, international students must present their passport to the local police station to update the Temporary Accommodation Registration Form. International students who renew their passports within China without obtaining a new residence permit within 10 working days constitute illegal residence.

Article 14: Penalties for Violations. According to the Law of the People''s Republic of China on the Administration of Exit and Entry, foreigners shall be punished in the following circumstances:

1. Foreigners who stay illegally will be given a warning. If the circumstances are serious, they will be fined 500 yuan/day for illegal residence, and the total amount of fines will not exceed 10000 yuan or detained for more than 5 days and less than 15 days;

2. Foreigners who refuse to accept the examination of their exit and entry certificates by the public security organs, or refuse to submit their residence certificates for examination, or whose registration items of residence certificates have changed and have not handled the changes in accordance with the regulations, or who falsely use others'' exit and entry certificates, or who have not handled accommodation registration in accordance with the law, will be given a warning and may be concurrently fined not more than 2000 yuan;

3. Foreigners who have committed illegal acts in China may, in accordance with the law, be ordered to leave the country within a time limit, deported or deported. Aliens who have been deported are not allowed to enter the country within five years; Expulsed foreigners are not allowed to enter the country for ten years.

Article 15: Payment for medical examinations, visas, residence permits, document changes, etc. shall be made in accordance with the regulations of the International Travel Health Care Center and the Qingdao Public Security Bureau Exit Entry Management Branch. All expenses (including transportation fees) shall be borne by the international student themselves.

Article 16: International students applying for visas and residence permits in China shall not exceed the validity period of their authorized study period. The visa extension period will be limited to six months and one year based on the tuition fees paid by international students.

Article 17: International students who fail to graduate on time and need to stay on campus for study with the consent of their supervisors may have their residence permits extended for up to one year. Before graduation, visa extensions (ranging from 3 to 6 months, in accordance with the visa management regulations of the Public Security Bureau) can be applied for based on their individual needs.

Article 18: When international students apply for visa or residence permit extension, they must first pay insurance premiums and tuition fees, and apply for visa or residence permit extension according to the deadline of insurance premiums and tuition fees. The school applies for visa extension for international students every Tuesday and Friday morning. International students who need to apply for visa extension should submit relevant materials to the International Exchange and Cooperation Office one week before the expiration of the visa validity period, prepare as early as possible, and avoid risks.

Due to the reasons of the international student, if the visa expiration date occurs, all consequences shall be borne by the student themselves.

Article 19: International students shall leave the country before the expiration of their visa or residence permit after completing their studies, otherwise it constitutes illegal residence.

Article 20: Schools do not invite family members of international students to accompany them on campus.

Article 21: International students who enter the country before the designated date by the school and need to apply for visa extension will not be processed by the school.

Article 22: Visa policies may change in accordance with national laws and regulations. The school shall implement various visa policies based on the official notification from the Exit Entry Management Corps of Qingdao Public Security Bureau.

Article 23: These regulations apply to all international students and shall be interpreted by the International Exchange and Cooperation Office. They shall be implemented from the date of publication.